The trust’s work is informed by the health promotion model – that is in providing information to people to help empower them to take charge of their own health behaviours.
Programme content is drawn from extensive current national and international health promotion and educational research.
The basis for this is The Ottawa Charter and The Jakarta Declaration. To reference this in a New Zealand context we refer you to The Health Promotion Forum.
Our programmes are:
Free of charge to ensure accessibility (or for a fee if you don't meet our eligibility criteria).
Designed to complement schools’ ongoing health programmes, using drama as a tool for learning.
Ideally placed to work within the Health Promoting Schools framework and other programmes.
The Trust also has an Artistic Consultation Group. Although we are not a bi-cultural theatre company per se, we are committed to understanding and honouring our partnership through Te Tiriti O Waitangi and create our programmes with, by and for tangata whenua. We are also commited to addressing issues of Mãori and Pacific Island health in a positive, non-judgemental and affirming way.